Homemade Grape Juice

Without using any fancy juicer

2 min readJul 4, 2020

Happy 4th of July 🇺🇸

Got a special occasion to prepare something special. There’s nothing better than homemade Grape Juice to refresh and cheer up our mood.

Homemade grape juice is much better than store bought one. Because it does not have any preservatives and also it is a sugar free juice which is packed with Nutrients, especially Vitamins C and K.

Making the grape juice at home is very simple. I know that the preparation looks so long. But trust me, it is worth it. Clean the kitchen once you have done with it. Then take your glass, sit back in your living room (or in patio) and enjoy the sip alone or with your loved ones. Have a happy and healthy day

P.S.: Its a kids friendly drink as well. You can feed lukewarm and diluted juice to your toddlers.

Serving: Serves 2-3


2 lb Sweet grapes ( Red/ Black grapes)

1- 1.5 cup water


  1. Wash the grapes very well. It is very important to clean them as much as possible.
  2. Take a large pot, add washed grapes and water. Let it boil over medium heat for 10-12 mins. Stir occasionally.
  3. Now lower the heat for another 10 mins and start mashing the grapes with the help of potato masher. Turn it off.
  4. Get another large pot, place a large fine mesh sieve over it. Pour the grape mixture over fine mesh sieve to strain. Let it sit for few minutes.
  5. Squeeze the grape mixture well to get enough pulp. Cool completely before serving or before storing it in refrigerator. That’s it, it’s ready to taste.
  6. Transfer it to a serving glass or jar with or without ice.
  7. Enjoy!


  • I’ve used Red seedless grape for this recipe. And I didn’t add sugar and lemon juice.
  • Add little bit more water, if required. The consistency of the juice is your choice.
  • You can add sugar, if it’s not sweet enough.
  • And also you can add a tsp of lemon juice to adjust the taste.

